Thursday, 13 September 2007

Our Camera Obscura

So we built a Camera Obscura today. In a burst of creativity (or boredom perhaps), co-worker Eivind and I decided to turn our office into a basic camera house. We covered all windows with black cloth, and made a small hole, AKA our iris. As we taped shut all remaining glitches in the "lens", the world outside started appearing on our floor, walls and roof. Wow.
Me holding a piece of diffusion filter in front of our "iris" to expose the outside world. (Photo ©: Eivind Vaa)

Left: Relaxing between exposures, "iris" is the bright hole in top right corner. Right: The Camera Obscura in action. (Photo ©: Eivind Vaa)

The excitement of actually making a camera and capture (well, not permanently of course) an image of our surroundings, temporarily made us forget that the invention is roughly a thousand years old. Bummer.

Inspired by the worlds largest image recently captured in California, we managed to put the image up on a quite large piece of Lee 216 White Diffusion. Next step, capturing the image. Just need to research how. I wonder why we don't do this more often.

The outside of our camera, it's definately not a compact one... (Photo ©: Eivind Vaa)

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